
Musings about navigating the ebbs and flows of life. Learn to walk the spiral path and to attune to your inner wisdom.
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The Seasons as Your Guide

Samhain is the descent into darkness. We can’t avoid the turning of the seasons or make it Summer again. The same is in our lives, we can’t avoid the spiral inwards. We are invited to be present with what is – a space to slow down, go within, rest, inner reflection and contemplation, a time to let go of all that no longer serves until we meet that still point within.

A close up of pink flowers in a bush.
A lone tree in a foggy landscape.

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“Thank you for your beautiful email, its steeped in so much juicy thoughts to ponder over the next weeks of darkness and for your beautiful meditation, the words you use are so encapsulating to the soul”

The Thirsty Soul

Awakening your soul’s expression through life’s initiations in Ireland and around the world.

the thirsty soul

Awakening your soul’s expression through life’s initiations in Ireland and around the world.

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