Embracing All of Life

Step into the fullness of your being as you Transform your connection to yourself and life
A woman leaning against a tree in the forest.

Reach out and claim life

We can heal by ourselves yet there is something special about being witnessed, honoured and celebrated in our healing journey.

We all need help to take our healing to the next level.

I walk with you on this path, supporting you to uproot outdated and limiting patterns and tend to the shoots of new pathways of being.

I am here to offer guidance and support on your journey to embrace your wholeness and life.

An image of a spider web in the woods.

Reiki Healing

Soul nourishment & space to receive

A space for you to receive healing, to truly listen to your needs and to be replenished. Life is often pulling you in many directions, it’s time to come back to your centre.

A woman's feet immersed in a stream of water, experiencing the soothing effects of Reiki Healing.
A woman is holding a colorful bag in her hands.

Shamanic Healing

Retrieval of self

Explore and shift any energetic and emotional imprints which may be holding you back or keeping you locked in unsupportive patterns. A place where deeper parts of your essence can be restored and recovered so you can experience a fuller richer expression of you.

Soulful ceremony Co. Meath, Ireland and Online

soulful ceremonies

Navigate Your Souls Evolution

Find belonging within yourself and your season of life with a bespoke healing ceremony.

Using Earth-based wisdom, shamanic healing practices, embodiment techniques and rituals, I create unique sacred ceremonies for you and your healing so you can give yourself the opportunity to meet what’s happening in your life. To witness, transform and move through the energy of the moment. Because in this moment there’s beauty and richness.

Group Gatherings

Cultivate a connection with yourself

Designed to guide you into a deeper relationship with yourself so you can be open to more joy, creativity and self expression.

A woman is holding a large drum in her hand.
A doll with long hair and a pink cloak that provides Reiki Healing.

Medicine dolls

A powerful healing companion

There is something special in holding a doll that come to life under your hands.

Receive your powerful companion to support you in your personal transformation. Sacred Medicine dolls can call to you at anytime and are often chosen to honor potent moments in life.

The medicine doll can teach you how to hold yourself through life – with a loving, compassionate embrace. A guide to walk alongside you sharing healing, wisdom and medicine. She serves as inspiration, encouragement and a reminder of what you need at this moment.

Yellow leaves hanging from a tree.
A pink flower on a branch with green leaves.

Kind Words

For the past year & 1/2 I felt like I was ‘stuck’ in my life and not my happy self. After 4 sessions with Roseleen I feel so much better within myself, I feel motivated & cleared of negativity. It has been such a powerful & positive experience for me. Roseleen is so welcoming & friendly and has a real talent to support you to heal.
An cream image of mugwort
Since the shamanic healing I feel calmer, more focused and less worried. The soul retrieval felt like a homecoming! Another part of me was coming back to make me more whole, more complete, more fulfilled.
An cream image of mugwort
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