The Thirsty Soul Podcast

Conversations around your life as a canvas of self-expression
The thirsty soul podcast with rachel m nally.

Soulful conversations

Listen in on my lively musings about life

Join me, Roseleen McNally, for conversations around your life a canvas of self-expression.

The podcast is a place that reveals inspiration, creativity, wisdom and clarity, guiding you into communion with yourself, your soul and the sacred.

Each episode is here to help you contemplate the themes in your own life and deepen your relationship to yourself, your life and the world around you.

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Nourish your soul

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At The Thirsty Soul, my aim is to create content that deeply resonates with our audience.

I’m seeking your input for topics that intrigue you. Are there specific interests you’d like me to explore in depth? Maybe there’s a pressing question on your mind or a current trend you believe deserves the spotlight.

Whatever your thoughts or ideas, I’m eager to hear them and potentially feature them in my upcoming content.

Your suggestions are invaluable in shaping the material that we present to our community.

Your Host

'I hope you will go out and let stories happen to you, and that you will work them, water them with your blood and tears and you laughter till they bloom, till you yourself burst into bloom.' Dr Clarissa Pinkola Estés

I believe there’s great beauty in giving ourselves permission to speak a new vision to life, reimagine past aspirations, open the door to wild possibilities, leave room for new information to come in and shape what you’ve already envisioned. To be creative with life.

Too often, we create solely from our minds, often influenced by outside perceptions, with little room left for soul. What if both could exist together, where the soul dreams and the mind helps to bring the vision to life. You get to experience flexibility rather than rigidity by sitting in counsel with your creative fire.

In my early 40s burnout brought me to my knees. I call those three years ‘living at the edge of the forest’ as I withdrew from life to recoup, and weed out the deep patterns of people-pleasing to redefine what a life lived well meant for me. It was a huge course correction. One that led me back to reclaiming my creativity, not just artistically.

My life is shaped around curiosity, innovation, imagination, dreaming and enchantment as they help me to forge a path that transforms even the most mundane moments into opportunities for wonder and discovery.

A person is holding a basket full of various items.
A woman is leaning against a tree in the forest.
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