Meet Roseleen

Shamanic Practitioner & Ceremonialist, Reiki Healing & Mentor
guiding you through the seasons of life

Hello I'm Roseleen

Your guide to navigating those life shaping moments.

The fallow ground, the in-between spaces, the endings and beginnings, the regeneration and emergence so you can unfold into who you are destined to become. 

Because we all have them. 

My role is to guide you to deepen into yourself so you can deepen into life. 

My work is rooted in weaving shamanic healing and ceremonies, reiki and earth based practices so you can forge new pathways, reweave your connection to the natural world, reawaken your imagination and connect to your wisdom and vision opening you for a life fully lived.

A woman sitting on a log in the woods.

My Story Begins with an Ending

I’ve walked this path since 2008 and through these years I’ve learnt how life itself initiates us and we’re shaped by both its beauty and its challenges. But I didn’t used to feel this way. 

My grandfather’s death when I was a teenager left me empty, filled with fear and sadness. Too young to truly know what to do with all these emotions, I pushed them down and did my best to get on with life. It was this wound which would draw me to walk the shamanic path and learn to see the beauty in all cycles of life.

It’s natural to resist what life lays at our feet. Especially when it feels challenging and uncomfortable.  

Some of these moments are chosen by us and other times they’re chosen for us. 

We haven’t been shown how to be with, move through, receive from and surrender to these times in our lives. We often try to rush through them or end up stuck in them for longer than needed. 

Your roots may shake at this time yet there is a richness and opportunity to reach out to reclaim yourself. You grow a deep trusting connection to self and life.

We all have a story

Mine isn't a linear one

That would be boring. As a child I wanted to study Art yet I did what was expected of me. Packed my bags and headed to University only to return three days later and take a job in a music store. I later returned to University to study French, History and English which led me to  the ‘exciting’ world of accountancy. 

Why am I telling you this?

Because you get to change. You get to make mistakes or course corrections. You get to grow and evolve. You get to reach your arms out to claim your life if it doesn’t feel quite right. You get to choose.

Roseleen McNally Reiki Healing & Shamanic Healing & Ceremony

At the heart of my story is soul initiation and exploration of the self.

You may be wondering how an accountant shapeshifts into a healer?

Sitting in a team building meeting, the words ‘We’re not exactly saving lives here’ emerged from me. It would be a number of years before I’d leave that toxic work environment but in the midst of this I found reiki.

Reiki healing opened up a whole new world to me where life wasn’t just about getting on with it. My inner world felt so much more spacious and lighter yet parts of me were still frozen in the past. 

On my healing path, I was often told to ‘positively think’ my way out of my pain, thankfully I didn’t listen. 

I found myself sitting in a ceremony in Mexico with the cycles of life on the wall. My bones expanded with a deep remembering, we’re not always meant to be ‘up’ things do end yet within the ending is always a beginning. 

It was these words which led me to studying Shamanism in 2014, a path which retrieved soul parts and brought deep healing to my core wounds of grief, helping me to move forward and be in relationship to all of life.  

A close up of purple flowers against a dark background.

Life isn’t punishing you, it’s inviting you to pause, listen, heal and grow.

Every story has a plot twist! 

I felt great entering my 40s and then burnout brought me to my knees. It was a huge course correction. 

I call those three years ‘living at the edge of the forest’ as I withdrew from life to recoup, and weed out the deep patterns of people-pleasing to redefine what a life lived well meant for me. 

Who was I beyond the labels of healer, daughter, partner and friend. I gained as much as I lost – I learnt how to be in relationship with rest and receiving, to listen to my ‘no’s, less pushing and more allowing, and in the process I reclaimed my creativity and as always, nature was my greatest healer. 

Not all initiations are external, they can also be internal transformations where you learn to take up space.

Often, it takes an  event, like an illness, the death of someone close to us, mid-life or the realisation life just doesn’t look the same. 

We lose ourselves before we find ourselves. But it’s these times that our soul is whispering to us to stop and listen.

Mine is a story about embracing the humanness of life, saying yes to  adventures, daring to enter the darkened forest, sitting at the fireside with wounds and befriending the inner dragons rather than slaying them. 

It involves wandering off track and getting lost, only to return to the path with more wisdom and maturity. 

This is what makes for more interesting conversations and life.

I’m full of curiosity about what makes you YOU… what initiations and key moments shaped you from the past but also what is alive in you at this moment? 

What’s calling you forth and will you answer the call? Will you step across this threshold towards the life that is whispering your name?

Embrace Life

If there was one thing I could whisper to you, I would tell you:

You are learning to embrace all parts of yourself – your strengths, your gifts as well as your weaknesses and wounds. 

You think you’re broken, a project to be fixed but…

You haven’t been taught to sit with your wholeness – your inner child, your wise elder, the awkward teenager, the mature adult. Or how to commune with your spirit, your soul and heart. 

Life isn’t picture perfect and you don’t have to be either to embrace the fullness of this human experience.

I believe life is for living, we don’t always get it ‘right’, and there will be pain, challenges and choices to be made but nothing defines us forever unless we let it. 

You’re learning to embrace all of life, to engage with life. That life is full of cycles and you can learn how to be with all aspects of the cycle – life, birth, death and rebirth if you have someone to guide you and be witness to your healing and reclamation of self.

A woman is hugging a tree in the forest.
A person's hand holding a bunch of purple flowers.
A woman walking through a forest with a tree in the background.

Reiki and Shamanic Healing for the soul

Blessings to my lineage

I’ve been on the healing path since 2008, and have had the honour to have been inspired, guided and taught by the most incredible teachers – John Cantwell & Dr. Karen Ward (Sli an Chroí), Frans Stiene (International House of Reiki), Sharon Bolt (Shamanic Energy Training) and Julia Inglis (Sacred Familiar).

I feel grateful and proud to come from a lineage of such authentic teachers and to be sharing this wisdom with you, to guide you back home to yourself .

My mission is to build on the gifts and wisdom I’ve been given, to help you and those who come after us to live a life well lived.

I give gratitude to my patient and loving Spirit Team and Ancestors who always have my back.

What I stand for

Know my values, know The Thirsty Soul

These are woven into all my offerings

Life isn't linear and neither is healing. You will meet parts of yourself that need deeper tending and love. Each time you are different.
Living a shamanic path teaches how to live well with and on the earth. We are Nature. The land beneath you is your greatest teacher and healer.
Approaching life through the eyes of a child as if seeing it for the first time. We remain open to the possibilites and magic of life.
Creating healing spaces and ceremonies so you can grow in relationship to yourself, your spirit and soul as well as nature.
Leaving room for the mystery of life and healing. Your heart and Spirit guide the path. The ripples will always flow into life in surprising ways.
Light Hearted
Laughter, play and fun are forgotten pathways to healing. You get live while you heal.

What I stand for

The Thirsty Soul Values

These are woven through all of my offerings.


Life isn't linear and neither is healing. You will meet parts of yourself that need deeper tending and love. Each time you are different.


Living a shamanic path teaches how to live well with and on the earth. We are Nature. The land beneath you is your greatest teacher and healer.


Approaching life through the eyes of a child as if seeing it for the first time. We remain open to the possibilites and magic of life.


Creating healing spaces and ceremonies so you can grow in relationship to yourself, your spirit and soul as well as nature.


Leaving room for the mystery of life and healing. Your heart and Spirit guide the path. The ripples will always flow into life in surprising ways.

Light Hearted

Laughter, play and fun are forgotten pathways to healing. You get live while you heal.

The Thirsty Soul Testimonials

Lovely words from my clients

My offerings

Here's How I Can Support You

Energy Healing

Explore any energetic and emotional imprints which may be holding you back or keeping you locked in unsupportive patterns through reiki and shamanism.

Soulful Ceremony

Marking the key moments which shape you is a powerful way to bring healing and make meaning of your experience. Enrich your soul’s path through ceremony.

Group Gatherings

Experience the power of gathering together with intention, meaning and purpose. We heal in community through reiki, shamanic ceremony and ritual.

Medicine Dolls

Medicine dolls hold space for you to reconnect to parts of yourself and tap into new ways of being. A powerful companion to support you in your personal transformation.
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