Walk the Celtic Wheel at Bealtaine

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Bealtaine: Embrace the Passion and Joy of Life

Beltane (Bealtane / Bealtaine) is a fire ceremony that signifies the midpoint between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice and is said to mark the peak of spring and start of summer. In Ireland we are getting glimpses of the promise of the Summer & heat! It’s great to feel the warmth in the body and the fire energy rising.

Beltane originates from the Celtic God ‘Bel’, meaning ‘the bright one’ and the Gaelic word ‘teine’ meaning fire. Together they make ‘Bright Fire’.

People may celebrate Beltane on different days, all the days in-between are also an opportunity to mark this turning point on the wheel of the year.

  • Lunar Beltane: The Full Moon
  • Calendar Beltane: 1st May
  • Astrological Beltane: the exact mid point between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.

Can you feel it?

Bealtaine is a celebration of life, of fertility and of sexuality. At the Spring Equinox, life was just beginning to emerge and even just recently we’ve still had snow and cold weather. As we enter into the beginning of May we can see that nature is reborn as the colors become more vibrant and the warmth of the sun hits our skin (even if it is only for a few hours).

At the Spring Equinox, we can see the readiness of the land to receive the seed and now at Bealtaine we plant as the land is fertile. At this point of the year, the potential becomes conception. Of course, we can align to what nature is showing us 🙂 Delight, desire, passion, playfulness, sexuality, sensual, creativity and growth. Think about it, the Maypole was originally a tree tied with flowers and ribbons, which represented the wrapping of female energies around the phallus. This is a time of heightened sexual and sensual energy! The Spring Maiden goddess has reached her fullness. She is the manifestation of growth and renewal as seen in Goddess Flora, the Goddess of Spring or the May Queen. The Green Man or The Young Oak King falls in love with her and their union is consummated and the May Queen becomes pregnant. Together the May Queen and the May King are symbols of the Sacred Marriage, the union of Earth and Sky.

We can feel and see that the Wheel  of the Year has turned. The energy is growing. You may even feel your own energy rising, the call to be outdoors more, the natural instinct to be active and take action on those seeds you planted and tended to since Winter and Spring Equinox. It is a time to celebrate the fertility of life, not just physically but in all it’s aspects – creativity, dreams, ambitions and abundance. It’s a time to flower from within just like the white blossoms of the Hawthorn tree.

Let the Fire Guide You

Bealtaine is a fire festival (like it’s counterpart in the Southern Hemisphere – Samhain). At Uisneach  in County Westmeath, Ireland (regarded as the centre of the country, the 5th province and traditionally known as the navel of Ireland) the of lighting the Beltane fire continues.

It was tradition that the hearth fires of homes were extinguished. Torches from the main bonfire would pass from town to town where each community would light their own bonfires in celebration. It was common to pass between two bonfires for purification. Often herds of cattle were driven between two fires in many villages for good health. People would also pass between the fires for luck and if you dared to jump the bonfire it was to ensure fertility.

It is a wonderful time of the year to connect to your inner flame / fire. What does your inner flame need to grow and expand?What dampens your inner flame (think in terms of people, places, situations)? What prevents your from shining your inner flame in its full brightness and glory? Put your answers into your fire and burn them.

We too can begin a new life, one that brings satisfaction and enrichment, whether this is by singing, dancing, running through the waves, walking barefoot on the grass or making love under the stars. Perhaps your dreams are greater than this, or perhaps more conservative, but whatever they are, Beltane is a wonderful time for expressing who you truly are.

Bealtaine is a time to:

Journal Prompts for Bealtaine

Ways to honor Bealtaine

There are lots of ways to honor Bealtaine. Choose one (or more) of the below or come up with your own way. Your intention and the energy you bring to it is more important than what you are doing.

Would you like to take time to honor the turning of the seasons?

Take some time out to contemplate what the turning point on the celtic wheel is reflecting to you in your life

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A woman in a floral dress standing in the woods.

I'm Roseleen

Your guide to navigating those life shaping moments.

All of my work is shaped by the beauty and wisdom held within nature. We grow by learning to be relationship with ourselves and nature so you can be your most present, aligned and embodied self.

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